Buildings Sum Insured (Rebuild Costs)
Please enter the rebuild cost of your property. This must include the cost of debris removal, architects, surveyors, consultants, legal fees, taxation and the additional cost of complying with any government or local authority requirements. (The is not the figure that is provided by some insurers which is ?500,000 or ?1million, these are blanket sums insureds and is the maximum level that insurer will pay in the event of a total loss, and it also is not the market value of your property).
ABI rebuilding cost calculator
If your UK holiday home is of standard construction the Association of British Insurers (ABI) offers a free (registration required) rebuild cost calculator to assist you assess the rebuilding cost of your property. To use the calculator and obtain an approximate rebuild cost, you?ll need to measure the external floor area of both downstairs and upstairs of your property.
Click here to go to the ABI rebuilding Cost Calculator
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please be advised that the ABI rebuilding Cost Calculator will only provide an indicative figure for rebuild costs as there are a number of restrictions to the calculator such as, properties with unusual features, thatched buildings, listed buildings or houses made of non-standard materials. Declaring the correct sums to insure your property for, will remain the responsibility of the policyholder at all times.