Maintenance Tips for your Static Caravan

Static Caravans can be both a great home to live in or a place to escape on holiday. However, like all homes regardless of structure, you will need to maintain it. Proper maintenance of your caravan will extend it?s life meaning you can enjoy it for longer!

So what do you need to do to ensure that your caravan is well maintained?

    • Make sure that you protect your caravan during the winter months. You should ?drain down? the caravan, so that the water and heating systems will not be damaged by the cold when you are gone.
  • Turn off the supply of water and gas before you locate the external water drainage plugs. Once you have started to drain the water, you can turn on all of the taps and leave the inside plug holes open ? just to make sure that there is no water left in the system.
  • Don?t forget to flush the toilet and make sure that all of the water has been officially drained from the cistern
  • You can also use compressed air to blow through the pipe-work, just to make sure that there is no remaining water that could potentially freeze.
  • You might also want to use a solution that is three parts water and one part anti-freeze. Put it through the drained system to further waterproof it.
  • It is also important to check the roof of your caravan for faults and blockages in the drainage system.
  • Make sure that you remove all debris from the roof, such as rotting leaves and degrading matter.
  • It is a good idea to blast the exterior with a pressure washer, or use a cloth and some soap to wash it down. This will help to avoid any damage caused by debris and build-up.
  • Always keep an eye on your caravan and inspect it frequently for rust and corrosion ? especially if you own an older caravan.
  • It is also very important to make sure that your gas boiler is serviced annually ? because if the boiler breaks while you are away from your caravan for the season, a lot of damage can be caused.
  • If your caravan uses a butane cylinder, you should watch out and make sure that the sealer washers do not need replacing.

Another important factor to consider is the security of your caravan.

Make sure that all of the doors and windows on the caravan have security devices ? and you may even want to consider investing in an alarm. It is advised that you take all contents of worth home with you if your caravan is for holiday use.

This is a marketing article from My Holiday Home Insurance, a specialist provider of insurance for holiday homes, leisure homes, holiday lodges and static caravans. Our team of experienced advisers are always happy to help, so for more information call our Northampton office on freephone 0800 988 0890.

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